PornHub VR – Virtual Reality Porn On PornHub

The biggest porn tube in the world, Pornhub, has its own category of VR Porn videos and people seem to search for this category more than find it on their main site. If you visit PornHub, you will see that the VR category is nowhere to be found on the main navigation part of the website. Why is that? Well, we believe that PornHub VR is not that popular once you find it, because of the quality available for you to stream the VR Porn video, which most are 2k quality.

PornHub Was Not Built For VR Porn

As good as a tube site is, PornHub was not built with VR Porn in mind, so they don’t have a good way to show VR Porn videos. Searching for VR Porn will also show you non-VR porn, which will frustrate any user that wants to watch virtual reality porn. The videos are short and without a way to go on the full video version, which also makes visitors lose interest in PornHub VR after they try it a few times.

PornHub Premium VR
As PornHub VR is not that “WOW”, there is PornHub Premium VR, which is actually pretty decent and you will find the original vr porn videos from PornHub in full length and better quality. On that part, PornHub seems to have cared more for their premium users and people can experience some good VR porn videos if they subscribe to PornHub Premium.

Great VR Porn Stars
Nothing can beat PornHub when it comes to knowing what people are searching for and what they are watching. Having this data, makes PornHub VR produce its own Originals with popular Porn Stars and trending Porn Stars. This makes PornHub VR a big competitor to bigger VR porn studios that also have a lot of big pornstar names in their portfolio.