How To Watch Virtual Reality Videos

Buy a VR device

how to watch virtual reality videos

Ready to try out some VR? There are many different types of headsets available, but not all will fit your needs or budget. Check out our resource guide for further information.

There are two primary types of virtual reality devices: headsets and globes. Many people prefer the higher specification required by headset goggles.

Headset vive and phantoms are some examples of high-end headsets that cost around $300. The lower spec’ed ones ($50-$100) come with lenses that cover both eyes which allows users to see things beyond what they are holding in front of them.

These have fewer pixels and less resolution, so images look clearer. They also rely on covering one eye which can cause issues where dual vision is concerned.

Globes offer a wider field of view, and are better suited for games than visuals. Some go as far as to say that you cannot watch movies in stereoscopic 3D; however, we’ll leave that discussion up to another time.

Ensure that your device is running the correct software

how to watch virtual reality videos

Most VR devices need software in order to function. There are lots of different types of software designed for diverse consumer products, but there are three major categories you can choose from-

Home apps (iO)

These are interactive online games and applications that you play into as well as video clips such as virtual reality adventures.

Occulus Rift or HTC Vive are examples of home apps.

Business apps (cyberspace)

These are websites built specifically to run via computer or smartphone with the intention of letting people experience something within their scope.

Ubermedia Workshop’s Scope World is an example of a business app.

Education apps (educational technology)

Educational technology uses digital tools to teach students about specific subjects; it primarily consists of incorporating technology into the classroom environment.

Google Expeditions is an excellent example of education tech.

Find virtual reality content

how to watch virtual reality videos

There are many places where you can find virtual reality content available for free. Some of the most popular sites are YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Vimeo.

As more people start creating VR videos, the amount of good quality content is growing. You may also have friends or family who have made some great experiences! Otherwise, there are several apps that create good-quality content as well.

Google Cardboard, Samsung Galaxy Gear, HTC Vive, and Oculus Rift are app development platforms that let you run virtual games and experiences in your web browser.

These websites allow you to access Google Maps with your smartphone; without downloading any other mobile applications.

Play a VR video


You can watch lots of virtual reality videos online, but these are usually short 15 minutes shows that focus on one topic. If you want to dive into a full-length movie feeling like you’re actually there, you’ll have to leave website “virtual” and step inside a smartphone or tablet app.

There are hundreds of available apps for both iOS and Android phones and tablets.

Many of them cost money (some charge $5 per episode), some have in-app purchases (music and extra episodes) and all require your payment info before using.

Some popular choices include : [substeps] Jaunt ($6 upfront fee + optional monthly subscription allowing viewing without location dependency ) Closetarium ($3 initial payment then $2 each month ) Cardboard (free download for android phone ) Immersyon ($8 initial payment, no recurring fees )

Take notes

how to watch virtual reality videos

With videos coming out in 360 video format, there’s a lot to learn. You can learn by reading online materials, but it is best to take notes when you read them.

It allows you to remember more of what you have read or heard. If you are listening to someone talk, writing down what they say helps you recall their words later.

If you are looking at a slide with photos and diagrams, keeping notes will help you comprehend how things interact in the diagram. It also helps keep your mind focused as you work through a lesson.

You can use your phone anywhere you see something being explained. That way, you always have access to note-taking should you need them.

However, some people prefer using their phones for taking notes. They like having the option to edit files on their device.

They feel less pressured to write a letter or call someone after editing and saving their note. It is also helpful if they want to look up information on their smartphone.

However, nothing beats a good pen and paper method for getting yourself into the mood needed to understand new concepts and terms.


Have fun

how to watch virtual reality videos

There are hundreds of different virtual reality videos you can watch in YouTube, Vimeo, or other popular video sharing sites. These videos range from simple animated movies to full-length interactive experiences set in Sci Fi universes

Once you find a movie that takes your interest, copy the url for that video. Then go back to your initial device (computer or phone) and visit the youtube website at

This is youtube’s login page, where they offer numerous ways to make accounts and operate as web pages with functions specific to each level of access. Use one of these methods to create an account–you will need an email address already, since this is just to view content.

You can feel free to use any username and password you want, but if you choose not to, google might give you both. Once you have an account, click the green ‘+’ button to start making your video.

Place yourself in the middle of your new video, then focus on getting details down about what you are going to be doing. What title do you see best? Is there enough text so people don’t mistakenly think it’s too short? Does it describe everything clearly without coming across as monotone? These are all questions you should be asking yourself throughout the writing process.

Then hit publish to upload your video, and take some time to play around and look over

Make sure your volume is on

how to watch virtual reality videos

In order for you virtual reality experience to work, your device’s volume must be up. The reason this becomes important is because both Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR use software that controls how many devices are connected at once.

More specifically, they both run an app called Google Play Services or GMS. This app uses online databases to check if there are any new games available, access to specific apps (such as the Android messaging system), and even activate services like GPS.

Since all smartphones have online connectivity, keeping the phone active and able to make calls should be enough to join these chat groups.

However, joining these groups gives you more opportunities to try out different games and applications. Plus, since most people already have one of those things plugged in right now, it shouldn’t take much effort to keep yours charged and ready to go.

Make sure that your phone or laptop is charged

how to watch virtual reality videos

Some blogs mention how to charge your device, but don’t give any specific details.

I would recommend at least having one full battery before starting a session of virtual reality. It has been mentioned that VR can be expensive, so I would not worry too much about wasting money.

However, if you do overuse your budget, there are free options as well. To keep yourself motivated, try recording gameplay sessions in which you play games such as Minecraft.

This way, you can watch them when you aren’t playing!

For those interested in making their own videos, use different apps that have multiple features including recording your screen, snapping pictures, etc. Then, upload the content onto a site like YouTube for people to view.

These are great ways to attract views and find out information about what works and what doesn’t-without spending a lot of money.

Make sure that you have at least a few minutes of VR experience

how to watch virtual reality videos

With most virtual reality (VR) devices, you need some previous experience with video games or computer software to be able to use them. But there are new platforms coming out all the time that allow people to view videos in VR without needing to download any additional programs.

These can-detective types of videos can help you solve crimes if you’re trying to recover from an injury or surgery, for example. And they can also just provide fun entertainment if you feel like you’ve run out of things to do during this stressful times.

Technology such as your smartphone can make great companions for these films. Download both apps and movies and put them on your portable device so you have something to do while still learning more about VR.